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Online Application

How to Apply...

Plese note that HND applicants must have their JAMB details ready, IT IS COMPULSORY.

  1. Click on the green button with 'Start New Registration' on it.
  2. Enter Your Fullname, Phone Number and Choice of Programme (Course) of study
  3. Make sure you enter all information correctly, because your phone number will serve as your password, You can make modifications at this stage as much as you like before payment
  4. After Clicking on 'Proceed', A payment information page will be generated for you to make your payment. Print it and proceed to the bank to make payment. You are to use the application number generated for you in making the payment.
  5. On successful payment, you can then login with your application number and phone number as password to proceed with the rest of the application.
  6. You can also make payment using an ATM, [] to pay with your VISA/Verve/Mastercard ATM card and click on PAY AN ELECTRONIC INVOICE
  7. If you have any issues, please contact the ICT Center or send an email to

Entry Requirements

Candidates must possess at least four (4) Passes at SSCE/NECO level, or equivalent qualification obtained at one or two sittings which MUST include English Language and Mathematics in addition to any other two passes relevant to the area of interest. All candidates are required to sit and pass for the PCE JAMB examination and be duly admitted by JAMB before progressing to ND programmes.